Maggie Hetzel
1st Quarter 2019 Volunteer of the Quarter

"It is my honor to nominate Maggie Hetzel as volunteer of the quarter for 2019. Maggie is a recent graduate of Class 53 and from the first day she came to class,
we knew she was going to be a great asset to our organization. Her enthusiasm and willingness to help from day one has been refreshing and so welcomed. Maggie's
grateful that she ran for and was elected to be our Treasurer for 2019. Her background in accounting has made her the perfect fit for this position. Whenever
a new project or event comes up, she is one of the first to respond and ask, "what can I do"? The fact that she is willing to tackle anything from patrol, the
garage sale, help with fundraising and any other project we have makes her one of the most favored "go to" volunteers. So much so, in fact, that now we are forced
to share her with our Fire Admin people since her talents have been recognized there as well! There isn't any project that we have presented to her that she hasn't
taken on and not only helped with, but went over and above what was expected. Her latest accomplishment was a project that was presented by Sgt. Craig DeCarlo when
he asked if there was some kind of cover that the volunteers could provide to conceal confidential information in the CID conference room project board when they were
working on a sensitive case and did not want the
information visible when the room was not in use. I approached Maggie and she quickly came up with a solution and
within three days, presented a cover that was exactly what Sgt. DeCarlo requested. Maggie's talents as a seamstress has been recognized by the Fire Department as
well and when a request went out to come up with a tree skirt for the Fire Admin Christmas tree, Maggie took on the project and created a customized tree skirt make
from bunker gear and it was a huge hit!
The saying that 'big things come in small packages' is perfect for Maggie, she may be little, but she's mighty and she gets the job done! With her enthusiasm and
energy, we have truly been blessed and it is because of her wonderful attitude and energy that she deserves to be recognized as our Volunteer of the Quarter."