The Carrollton Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association is a not-for-profit, all volunteer organization of trained Carrollton Citizens who support the Carrollton Police Department. The purpose of the organization is to bring together graduates of the Carrollton Citizen Police Academy to enhance the relationship between the Alumni Association, the community and the Carrollton Police Department.
The CCPAAA members volunteer many hours annually in service to the Carrollton Police Department. Through fund-raising activities the CCPAAA provides the police department with equipment which is not budgeted but makes the police officer’s job more effective.
The CCPAAA provides food for officers during the holidays.
We are the extra eyes and ears for the Carrollton Police Department
As a part of the Carrollton Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association, the Citizen Patrol Members are the extra eyes and ears for the Carrollton Police Department. The Citizen Patrol can be seen throughout the city patrolling in vehicles marked and equipped for the Carrollton Citizen Patrol Organization.
We're volunteers. We're interested in helping keep our city a safe and pleasant place to live and work.
The members can be sent to aid police officers in various activities, such as traffic control for accidents, missing persons’ searches and abandoned and illegally parked vehicles.
The group also delivers warrants, court filings, grand jury documents and case evidence to Dallas, Denton and Collin Counties as needed.
CCPAAA Highlights

Our 7th Annual Casino Night
September 7th 2024
Remember, we soldout last year, so . . .
Special thanks our primary sponsors
We Maximize Compensation | No Fee Until We Win | Free Consultation | (214) 225-3421

CCPAAA is getting ready for another year with the election of our board of directors for 2023. Returning as President and Vice-President are Katie Thornhill and Horace Blake. Joining as new members are Glen Offutt as Treasurer, Kathryn Sechrist as Secretary and Merle Hobbs as Director at Large. Please join us in thanking them for the extra commitment to serve our group, Carrollton Police Department and the City of Carrollton.
Jon Ortega was presented with the Carrollton Police Department Volunteer of the Year Award for 2019. The award was presented at the Anmual Awards Dinner on February 1st. Video

Jon Ortega was nominated and received the Volunteer of the Quarter award for
4th Quarter 2019.
We want to thank Jon for all the work he is doing for our organization; when you get a chance, say "Thank You".
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Stephanie Giroux was nominated and received the Volunteer of the Quarter award for
3nd Quarter 2019.
Help us thank Stephanie for being another one of our great volunteers.
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Katie Thornhill was nominated and received the Volunteer of the Quarter award for 2nd Quarter 2019.
Lets all congradulate Katie on this well deserved award.
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Maggie Hetzel was nominated and received the Volunteer of the Quarter award for 1st Quarter 2019.
Thank you Maggie for all the work you did in 1st quarter as well as all the other quarters.
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Roy recieved the "Volunteer of the Year" award for 2018. The award was presented the Carrollton Police Awards Dinner on January 26th. Join us in congradulationg Roy on this award and thanking fpr all of his service to the CCPAAA, Carrollton Police Departent and the City of Carrollton. Video

Jimmie Smith was nominated and received the Volunteer of the Quarter award for 4th Quarter 2018. Help us congratulate Jimmie on this well deserved award.
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Roy Rabey was nominated and received the Volunteer of the Quarter award for 3rd Quarter 2018. Help us congratulate Roy on this well deserved award.
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The Kroger Co. Family of Stores are on a mission to go beyond being a part of the community to also helping create a stronger community. CCPAAA is active in the Kroger Community Rewards program and we encourage you to link your rewards card to CARROLLTON CITIZEN POLICE ACADEMY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. The more we shop with Kroger, the more money we will earn!
Congradulations to all our members who earned the Presidential Volunteer Service Award. If you missed it or just want to see yourself get your award, we have a video here. Individual photos are available in out photo gallery.

Congratulations to Caryl Meeks on her well-deserved nomination and receipt of the Volunteer of the Year Award for 2017. The award was presented by Chief Miller at the annual CPD Awards Dinner.

On July 11th, the CCPAAA and Carrollton Police Officers Association (CPOA) each presented scholarships to four deserving young people. We are very honored to present these scholarships to Aubrey, Sydney, Heather and Abby. Photos are available in our photo gallary. Read more

Joanne Kelly was nominated and received the Volunteer of the Quarter award for 1st Quarter 2018. Help us congratulate her on this well deserved award.
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May 25 · Carrollton Citizen Fire Academy class #2 graduated. It was a great 8 weeks with a great fire department. Thanks to all the fire fighters that helped us along the way. And congratulations to all. Class 3 starts in August.

Carrollton Police Volunteers of the Year
for 2016, on CPD Facebook.
(From L to R) Volunteer of the Year Judy Lyle, Civilian of the Year Jolene DeVito, Rookie of the Year Erika Carrillo, Detective of the Year Jennifer Cackler, Officer of the Year Jayson Kaiser, and Supervisor of the Year Sgt. Paul Fritz.
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No Solicitation Signs for sale. Signs are available for a minimum donation of $10.00. CCPAAA is a tax exempt 501(c) 3 organization. The signs are available at the Information Desk of Carrollton Police Station on Mon - Thurs, 8am until 5pm and Friday till 11:30am, it can also be ordered using our Online Store.
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T-Shirts are available for sale. Black, purple and pink are available in our Online Store. Sponsors: Shotgun Blasters, Hawkings Residential Roofing, Inc, North Texas Heart Care, Star Car Wash, Wright Group Architects. Planners, Eggsellent Café, Pizza Hut, Mom's Cafe, Shipleys Donuts, J& B Mobile Power Wash, Silver Star Mercantile, VFW 2923, Chicken Express and Uniform Store.
Visit our gallery to see what the ccpaaa volunteers do
The Citizen Police Academy acquaints and educates residents of our city to the duties and responsibilities of their police officers and how you can help keep our city safe. We feel that doing this in a classroom setting with Carrollton Police instructors is the best approach.

what we do
We patrol the city looking for potential problems as well as criminal activity, and we immediately report them to the police.
Our training is provided by the Carrollton Police Department, and we carry police radios and use specially marked Citizen Patrol cars provided by the Police Deptartment.
Our members have taken on the task of removing graffiti, at no cost, to home and business owners. We have used our own power washing equipment and supplies to complete this task. We started on February 26, 2009 by removing gang graffiti that covered a homeowner’s fence that had been there for nearly six months.
This is a service of the Carrollton Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association for the City or Carrollton and the Carrollton Police Department. We offer only ink fingerprinting; no digital availability.
We finger print every Monday except for holidays, from 5:00pm to 6:30 pm. We have the standard FD-258 fingerprint cards or we can use cards provided by you.